I frequently speak and run workshops at conferences, public events, and private, in-house events. I speak about design, innovation, culture, cross-disciplinary collaboration and organisational transformation.
You can find my press kit here.
Intrapreneurs Club
Masterclass: Managing Stakeholders
In this talk and workshop, Martina will share advice on how to better communicate and collaborate with stakeholders. Participants will then learn how to apply these ideas in a practical interactive session.
How To Grow Your Product Practice
For many design leaders, the shift from craft to team is fraught with mistakes and challenges. Learn from Martina's experience growing a design practice from the first hire in Europe to leading a global design practice of over 100.
Shaping Design Leaders
How do we understand ourselves better to define our own path? Using a series of self-reflection and profiling tools, Martina and Jason help you better understand and articulate what you have to offer, what your organisation needs and where you can invest in your own self-development over the coming years.
Axel Springer Tech Con 2019
Principles for Customer Centric Product Innovation
In this talk for Axel Springer’s internal team Martina shared the principles she derived from her experience in helping organisations establish a more customer centric digital innovation practice.
Product Management Festival
Operating Models That Drive Successful Product Organisations
Join us for a closer look at how your organisation’s operating model is supporting or challenging, your product teams’ success. As product management has taken on a more strategic role in companies, leaders need to consider the best operating model – organisational structure, process and culture – to drive value. We will share insights and criteria to help you consider the operating model that will transform your product management capability. In working with Fortune 50 companies across the US, Europe and Asia, we’ve observed organisational challenges on the path to creating a successful product management practice. We see companies struggle with introducing and maintaining cross-disciplinary product teams that can innovate at speed and deliver impact. Often this progress is hampered by how PM is structured in relation to other functions and how success is measured and incentives are awarded. We will share insights from our work transforming operating models to create high performing product organisations.
Leading Design
Shaping Design Leaders
How do we understand ourselves better to define our own path?
Using a series of self-reflection and profiling tools, Martina and Jason will help you better understand and articulate what you have to offer, what your organisation needs and where you can invest in your own self-development over the coming years.
Mind The Product, Leadership Forum
Building a Product Culture.
Emily Tate moderated a lively discussion around how we can create and nurture a thriving product culture in our organisations at Mind The Product conference’s invite-only event for senior product leaders.